planning ANNUAL
At the Elite Triathlon club, we divide the year into 4 stages. Each session has its duration and its specific objectives in order to allow each athlete to be ready for their racing season.
Elite Triathlon Club
Annual planning 2020-2021
Annual block 1 : Preparatory and technical session (12 weeks)
Gradual return to post-season training, retention of achievements
Work on technical skills and aerobic endurance
Cycling, running and swimming tests
Annual block 2 : Winter session - Pre-season (12 weeks)
Maintaining work aerobic endurance
Muscular endurance work
Develop specific strength
Annual block 3 : Spring session - Specific (12 weeks)
More and more specific training
Continuation of muscular endurance work
Maintenance of low skills
training camps
Annual block 4 : Summer session - Competitions (12 weeks)
Specific triathlon work
periodization work
Sharpening work, sequences, bricks
Racing strategies and competitions